Tuesday, March 31, 2009

These are some pictures of us at a Rock and Gem Show a week or so ago. We had a lot of fun. The kids loved it!

There isn't too much going on right now. We all are hoping that Spring will come back to Provo. We are sad that those wonderful Spring days of a couple of weeks ago are gone and replaced with snow showers every other day.

We have had a few changes to our lives recently. Cassie has decided to become a big girl over night. She is running everywhere, and talks almost non-stop. Granted, most of the things she says are not real words...but her vocabulary grows everyday. Her biggest news is that she now sleeps in a toddler bed (she kept trying to climb in and out of her crib).

Lexi and Jason are both doing very well in school. Lexi reads the newspaper with Dad alot, and Jason reads everything on the computer monitor when Dad or Mom get on the computer. It's kind of interesting that they have their preferences in their reading material. But, everyone in our family LOVES to read books. unfortunately, books can be found on almost every surface in our home. Lexi, Jason, and Cassie drag their books all over the house (and sometimes I do, too).

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lexi's Birthday!

These are some pictures of Lexi's fairy birthday party. She had so much fun! I can't believe she is seven years old!

Cassie is so silly! Lately she has been climbing into the teeniest boxes, trying to make herself fit!
We just laugh and tell her how cute she is!