Saturday, April 30, 2011

The past couple of weeks have been really busy in our house. I have been in "college student" mode: Finishing up projects, papers, and studying for finals. As you can imagine, our house looks like it has a had a break-in. The laundry and dishes are piling up, there are shoes, backpacks, toys, you name it, all over the house. I am pretty sure that in our house there is an unspoken rule: If Mom doesn't have time to force you to do it, it doesn't get done!
Granted, JJ has been pretty good about it all. He made dinner last night and has been in charge of the kids from after dinner until bedtime. He has been very helpful in encouraging me and reading over my papers and projects before I submit them, in my final weeks of school.
I have realized that I do the chores in the house. Period. I knew that I never made JJ do housework when he got home from work, but I hadn't realized how little the kids were actually doing. I have a chore chart on the refridgerator, but we apparently aren't sticking with it. Now that I have one final left to take, I will need to do some major research on how to organize and delegate chores. We'll have to see how it goes...

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